Monday, October 25, 2004

That Monday Morn feeling

Asalamau Aikum

SubhanAllah before you know it another week started.
Another excruciating long 5 days until we hit the magic Friday feeling again.
How we all manage to get out of bed and hit our offices 9am in the morning is still a mystery to me.
I think it should be listed as one of those great achievements of mankind along side mastering the art of the ‘lungi’ tying.
But it’s that odd feeling that we all get Sunday afternoon about 3pm that almost brings about a wave of mass mourning.
My colleagues must think this guy never gets any sleep because he always looks like a zombie.....but I do. I’m usually that guy on the tube that sleeps right through his journey, snores and usually wakes right up on time to get off casually at his stop.

Anyways what have I planned for today..????
The usual planning meetings, meetings and more meetings. I’m trying to cram 6 weeks of meetings in 2.

Alhumdulliah still in Ramadan and its day 11 1/3 of the way there.
Unfortunately I don’t think my colleagues understand the essence of Ramadan I think some of them might even think that it’s an exotic curry. Can’t blame them really.

Thinking of planning an Iftar ‘party’ (before all you clubbers get in the grove there’s no music or disco)
Unfortunately this is a tricky one especially With bros from different ‘crews’. It can potentially turn into world war 3 :( .
I know we always talk about one nation one ‘Ummah’ but the reality is that in the UK we have wide spectrum of Muslims. From bradah Hook to the liberal we love you everyone tree huggers.
Well let’s see what happens InshAllah (Watch this space) but wanted to take this oppotunity to try out my culinary skills ‘what culinary skills' I hear u all scream. You will have to wait and see.

I just checked my b-day on Friday. Ahh who cares … because I don’t (actually I do … wish I had that crying smiley from msn)

Okay have to dash now and go and pray Dohr....

Smell yah later peeps

Wlaikum Aslam

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