Sunday, May 13, 2007

I as so embarased to be Asian

This has to be the most embarrasing asian momment in history. I think we need to bow our heads in shame.

Take a butchers.

Indian Michael Jackson- BTW i think the woman is horrified at the dancing not the zombies that might eat her brain.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Tanked up on lassies

Bigee after getting tanked up on lassies
( Thats the cold South Asian drink and not the dog )

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Thinking of flying Biman ?

Thinking of flying Biman? Think again. This is a recent pic of a Biman plane obviously in a bit of a pickle. They had to close Dubai airport for 8 hours. I suppose that made Bangladesh Biman right on time.

Is it too much to ask to have a decent national carrier? Even though we have thousands of people travellng to desh every month the service seems to get more and more pants.
At least one bit of fresh air is the new airline Royal Bengal Airlines.

The only reason people ply is because of the luggage allwoance.
Why do we need so much allowance? (we recently sent 4 cases full of clothes back home with several people). I mean the only thing we normally get back for ourselves is a pair of batas and a songa of hotki ( Dried Fish ) so why do we need 2 tones of allowance.
All we do is cram out luggage with rubbish that we heva collected over the years from markets and the next sale.
But the irony is that the t-shirst that are made in desh are the very ones we take back for our realtives but end up paying a 500% mark up for.

I hope the new airline lives up to its hype and the people who are running it do not become compalcent or run off with peoples money.

Source of Pic

Indian Simpsons

The Indian Simpsons

This cracked me up. Appoliogies to those who have seen it before.


The bloddy tiling


Yesterday got home to dad in panick.

Yes it was more building work.
So me and boz tilled the toilet last night. don't worry peeps it was a new one so crap wasn't comming out of the waste pipe but it did involve hugging the toilet bowl.

Anyways i left the plummer this morning with dad and hope to see a finished shower when i get home today.

When is this bloddy work going to finish?
I think we are very close to a revolt at home where the guy might make dad walk the plank.

I just think hes keeping himself busy especially since hes moved from east london and has no buddies to chill out with.

Anyways adiose for now


Tuesday, May 01, 2007